Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T MRI

Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T MRI


About the Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T MRI Scanner

Medco Blue can quote your health facility with a refurbished or used Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T MRI scanner, including installation, calibration, applications training, and service. Below you will find general information and specs related to the Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T. We look forward to the opportunity to quote you this MRI scanner. Contact us at 216-600-0801 and today.


Product Description:

MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T MRI is the combination of Tim® 4G's integrated coil technology and Dot.  As a 70 cm 1.5T system, MAGNETOM Aera offers a full range of applications and helps you to provide the absolute best patient care.   This system features RF technology, an Illumination mood light, reduced lifecycle costs, and more to exceed your patient’s standards. 

  • High patient comfort with 70 cm Open Bore and in combination with ultra-short system design
  • Up to 50% higher productivity1 with Tim 4G and Dot
  • Full range of applications for the clinical routine and research

Features and Benefits:

  • Dot integrated
  • Dot is a comprehensive workflow solution, providing a  customizable framework for patient personalization, step-by-step user guidance, and exam automation.
  • Benefits:
  • Increased consistency and reproducibility
  • Greater ease of use
  • Up to 50% increase in productivity
  • Tim 4G integrated
  • Tim 4G brings ultra high-density coils combined with the highest channel configurations. It is a digital-in and digital-out design, it locates all transmit and receive components at the magnet. 
  • Benefits:
  • High resolution imaging
  • Faster acquisition and exam time
  • Exceptional image quality
  • Tim 4G DirectConnect® and SlideConnect® 
  • Enable high patient comfort and ease-of-use
  • Faster connections
  • Easier set-up
  • Tim Dockable Table 
  • Fast patient preparation even outside of examination room
  • Integrated Spine 32 coil
  • Easy transport
  • Optimized comfort for immobile patients
  • Holds up to 250 kg/ 550 lb to accommodate more patients
  • Illumination Mood Light
  • Providing a more comfortable scanning environment for patients:
  • LED light panel can be set to personal preference
  • Choose colors according to patient preferences
  • Patient Comfort 
  • Accommodate more patients with a 70 cm Open Bore design and ultra-short 145 cm cover-to-cover system design.
  • Potentially fewer refused exams and more referrals
  • Sharper images due to less anxiety-related movement
  • Preferred design by claustrophobic patients
  • Helps reduce sedation rates, fear, and anxiety
  • Offers more head-out exams
  • Cover a full patient range: pediatrics, obese, critically ill, kyphostic, and those with respiratory problems, pain and mobility issues, and claustrophobia or anxiety 
  • Reduced Lifecycle Costs
  • Low operational costs with low energy and siting costs
  • New "green" Eco-Chiller
  • Better energy efficiency with workflow technology Dot and Tim 4G
  • Zero Helium boil-off
  • Green Cooling Package (optional) with automatic adaption to cooling requirements to decrease energy consumption for cooling by up to 50% 
  • RF Technology
  • Direct RF allows for higher signal purity and improved stability. All transmit and receive components are located at the magnet.
  • Optical links between magnet and equipment room to achieve high RF stability
  • Transmit and receive path is integrated in the magnet housing
  • Dual-Density Signal Transfer enables ultra-high density coil designs by integrating key RF components into the local coil
  • Faster Workflow
  • Faster patient preparation
  • Faster coil set-up
  • Faster acquisitions

Clinical Use

With MAGNETOM Aera, the full applications coverage is standard and a comprehensive set of advanced applications is available. And, with the accuracy of Tim 4G integrated with the consistency brought to your scanning by Dot, you can achieve excellent image quality and exam reproducibility.


MAGNETOM Aera offers high resolution and fast protocols even for uncooperative patients. The MAGNETOM Aera Neuro Suite includes advanced protocols for diffusion imaging, perfusion imaging, and fMRI. These are combined with Tim 4G coils with a high density of elements and latest iPAT2 reconstruction techniques help to enable fast imaging and an excellent SNR.


MAGNETOM Aera’s Ortho Suite is a comprehensive collection of protocols for joint imaging including the spine. Tim 4G’s new ultra high-density coils for MSK imaging improve SNR and anatomic coverage. Dot’s customizable workflows featuring AutoAlign and AutoCoverage for knee, hip and shoulder. The advanced syngo WARP techniques provide susceptibility artifact reduction functionality (such as from MR conditional metal implants) and MPR planning for fast 3D measurements and Inline 3D multiplanar reformatting help workflow efficiencies.


The cardiac suite covers comprehensive 2D routine cardiac applications, ranging from morphology and ventricular function to tissue characterization. Dot’s on-board guidance and the increased SNR of Tim 4G helps you to make cardiac part of your clinical routine. The Cardiac Dot Engine helps eliminate one of the biggest challenges in cardiac MR simplifying complete cardiac localization down to just a few clicks.


Tim 4G offers high channel body imaging thanks to the combination of the Body 18 and the Spine 32. MAGNETOM Aera is also equipped with dedicated clinical body applications. Ultra-fast high resolution 2D and 3D protocols are provided for abdomen, pelvis, MR Colonography, MRCP, dynamic kidney, and MR Urography applications. With the Abdomen Dot Engine, standardized, efficient, and comprehensive workflows for the upper abdomen with excellent image quality are provided.


Tissue relaxation times in pediatrics5 are very different compared to those of adults. The reasons for these differences are: developing tissues, body size, faster heart rates, and compliance with breath-hold commands. Protocols can be adapted for imaging infants.


With MAGNETOM Aera’s Angio Suite excellent MR Angiography can be performed to visualize arteries and veins with or without contrast agent. For scans with contrast media, the Angio Dot Engine helps to realize optimized bolus timing at every examination. Real-time graphics and AutoVoiceCommands assist the user in organizing the ideal timing of breathing, scanning, and contrast media.


MAGNETOM Aera’s Onco Suite features a collection of sequences, protocols, and evaluation tools that guide through the detailed assessment of a variety of oncological conditions. Acquire whole body coverage for metastasis staging in a single, continuous move with with the TimCT Onco Dot Engine. Together with Dot’s on-board guidance, this innovative technology improves patient throughput and provides superb image quality.

Women's Health

A variety of breast coils are enabled by the Tim Coil Interface resulting in flexible breast imaging options to meet the variety of customer needs. From clinical imaging to biopsy guidance, the MAGNETOM Aera offers a wide selection of breast coils and enables outstanding image quality. Additionally, the 70 cm Open Bore of MAGNETOM Aera makes it possible to comfortably accommodate more patients. The Breast Dot Engineoffers different workflows for optimized image quality and consistency.

Men's Health

With the high-density spine and body coils alone or in combination with an endorectal coil, MAGNETOM Aera enables excellent multiparametric imaging of the prostate in terms of morphology, physiology and function. Together with dedicated solutions for reading and reporting, the workflow for prostate MRI is comprehensively covered.

Technical Details:

  • Field strength: 1.5 Tesla
  • Bore size: 70 cm Open Bore Design
  • System length: 145 cm
  • System weight (in operation); 4.8 tons
  • Magnet length: 137 cm
  • Minimum room size: 30 m²
  • RF Tim: [204 x 48] [204 x 64]
  • Gradient Strength: XJ Gradients (33 mT/m @ 125 T/m/s), XQ Gradients (45 mT/m @ 200 T/m/s)
  • Helium consumption: Zero Helium boil-off technology


Contact us today to get a quote on a refurbished or used Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T MRI scanner. Call us at 216-600-0801 or email us at


ModelMAGNETOM Aera 1.5T