GE Infinia

GE Infinia
About the GE Infinia Nuclear Medicine System
Medco Blue can quote your health facility with a refurbished or used GE Infinia Nuclear Medicine system, including installation, calibration, applications training, and service. Below you will find general information and specs related to the GE Infinia. We look forward to the opportunity to quote you this Nuclear Medicine system. Contact us at 216-600-0801 and today.
Product Description:
The GE Infinia is a high-performance, all-purpose dual detector imaging system, designed to optimize imaging performances so you can get uncompromised image quality in all modes. The Infinia is capable of whole body, planar, and SPECT imaging. The free-geometry gantry design enables both 90° and 180° orientations of the detectors as well as upright and horizontal detector orientations for high scanning efficiency. Infinia is easy to use with fast, automated, one-keystroke exams, and can exchange collimators typically under 3 minutes.
- Acquire quality images at both low and high energies and scans in various acquisition modes
- Increase patient throughput and efficiency; reduce patient positioning time
- Perform a variety of scanning orientations, utilizing different imaging positions
- Enhance patient comfort
- Minimize detector distance to the patient
- Increase your scannable patient population
Standard Features:
- Designed for all cardiac and general purpose Nuclear Medicine procedures
- Variable free-geometry detector design – Dual-detector productivity with single-head flexibility
- Real-time automatic body contouring for higher quality SPECT and whole-body imaging without impacting technologist productivity
- Upgradeable to Hawkeye SPECT/CT for superior attenuation correction and localization
- High-precision collimators with Cart
- Simple semi-automatic collimator exchange ensures the fastest collimator exchange available from any gantry position
- Elite digital detectors feature five real-time corrections – Uniformity, Linearity, Energy, Isotope Decay and Center of Rotation (COR)
- Automatic camera setup and large 54 cm x 40 cm FOV detectors
- Premium acquisition station includes DICOM Worklist and other productivity tools
- 3/8 Inch Detectors
- 59 Photomultiplier Tubes (PMT) per detector
- Upright and horizontal detector orientations
- Collision-sensitive pads
- Slip ring gantry allowing unlimited tomographic rotation
- Multi-functional, dual-axis imaging table
- Workstation
- 17 Inch LCD Monitor
- GE Xeleris Processing Computer
- LEHR collimators
- “Typical” installation
- Parts and labor warranty
Available Options:
- Additional collimators – i.e. LEGP, MEGP, HEGP, Pinhole
- Color Printer
- Workstation
- ECG cardiac gate
- Invia 4DMSPECT cardiac software package
- Cedars Sinai cardiac software package
- Emory cardiac software package
- UltraSPECT ½ time and/or ½ dose package
- Bar Phantom
- UPS backup power unit
- Remote viewing station
- Fully equipped hot lab
- BC Backup + patient archiving system
- MiE Product: SCRINTRON
- New Windows 7 Segami Oasis Processing Computer
- Discounted multi-year service agreements
- Extended Warranty
- Room Size Requirements: Minimum 12’8” x 18’0” – Ideal 13’2” x 19’8”
- Table Patient Weight Limit: 440 Pounds
- Detector Geometry: Dual-head variable angle
Contact us today to get a quote on a refurbished or used GE Infinia Nuclear Medicine System. Call us at 216-600-0801 or email us at
Manufacturer | GE |
Model | Infinia |
Condition | Used |